About Us

Australia Minerals Investment Attraction Plan
Australia Minerals is a collaboration of Australia's federal, state and Northern Territory government geoscience agencies working together to offer ground-breaking information, unrivalled expertise and a record of innovation that supports mineral explorers to realise investment opportunities. Our activities are guided by the Australia Minerals Investment Attraction Plan [PDF 1.6 MB].
Australia is one of the world's biggest minerals exploration markets with huge remaining brownfields and greenfields discovery potential. With readily accessible geoscience expertise and research support, Australia Minerals enables investors to tap into Australia's diverse geological potential in a range of commodities to achieve one of the highest exploration returns.
Australia's business, policy and investment processes, proven record of environmental, social, financial, legal and political stability, and its proximity to Asia's fast-growing markets, make it the smart, secure choice for exploration investment.
Australia Minerals offers:
- Assistance to help guide you through the process
- Breadth and depth of data to help you realise opportunities
- Intellect, innovation and technology to apply to opportunities
- Business, policy and investor relations to realise opportunities
- Access to effective and efficient sustainable exploration policies, processes and technologies
Australia has a solid reputation for success in minerals exploration and mining. Australia supports investors to realise exploration and mining opportunities, and is pro-actively making it easier to explore, do business and invest.
- Australia has world-class geoscience information systems to provide (for free) pre-competitive data to define and target minerals
- World’s best geoscience and innovation for exploring under cover, with remaining unrealised potential in giant ore camps
- World leading business assistance and investment advice so you can find opportunities that meet your needs
- Local and federal governments are working together to streamline processes, gain efficiencies and facilitate exploration in Australia.
Australia is committed to efficient and effective, environmentally sound, socially responsible, and economically viable practices for the benefit of communities and investors, and the reputation of the global exploration and mining sector:
- Australia’s Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry has contributed directly to better exploration, mining, environmental and land practices globally
- Australia is a pioneer in the development and application of non-disruptive, remote sensing exploration technologies such as TEMPEST and FALCON to assess mineral potential prior to drilling
- Australia is delivering a ‘one-stop shop’ for environmental approvals to simplify the approvals process for businesses and lead to swifter decisions, whilst maintaining high environmental standards.